zkSync 2.0 testnet successfully completed October regenesis to improve virtual machine performance and support interface upgrades. As a reminder, the regenesis events reset all on-chain transaction history, token balances, and requires Tevaera to redeploy testnet contracts. This has no impact on Tevaera 1.0 mainnet users.
We are piloting a new “CLAIM” function & Karma Points as ERC-20 tokens that will:
(a.) Allow testnet users (post first zkSync regenesis) to claim their Citizen ID NFT and Karma points in 1 transaction.
(b.) Allow any testnet user to claim their earned Karma points through Teva Quest or campaigns. The claim will update every hour as we sync the off-chain Karma points data with smart-contract.
Note: Karma points are non-tradable ERC-20 tokens and will continue to have utility as an in-game token across Tevaera games. They may also be redeemable for $TEVA token in the future. Ratio TBD.
Objective & FAQs
The claim function & ERC-20 KP pilot will support our preparation for mainnet 2.0, which will include a new multiplayer game and enhanced Tevaera platform experience. At that time, all our “eligible” users from both mainnet 1.0 and testnet 2.0 will be able to claim their ERC-20 Karma points token in mainnet.
Let's talk about the October testnet updates in question form:
Q1. I am a “snapshot” testnet user before first zkSync regenesis. Can I use the CLAIM function to get my Karma Points?
NO (depends). This function is only available for users that earned Karma points post the first zkSync regenesis. If you did this, you should be able to claim KP. If you didn’t and were only included in the snapshot, you will have the CLAIM function available to you in mainnet 2.0. The same goes for our mainnet 1.0 users. However, you can always use the CLAIM function to mint your new Citizen ID, if you would like.
Q2. I can still see my game progress & stats for Teva Quest. Yay, but is this expected?
YES. We were more prepared for the 2nd zkSync regenesis and have made sure Tevans can access Teva Quest game from where you left it before regenesis : )
Q3. I’m new to Tevaera testnet. Can I still mint a Citizen ID and play the Teva Quest game to earn Karma Points?
YES. The testnet is still live with a maximum of 1000 Karma points to be earned through Teva Quest game. You can both EARN (off-chain) and CLAIM (On-chain) Karma points as tokens.
Q4. I only see “Unclaimed KP” on clicking the “CLAIM box”. Is this correct?
YES (depends). The first time, the claim box will show you both your citizen ID and unclaimed KP. Once you have claimed the Citizen ID, it will only show you the unclaimed KP, which will update every hour.
Q5. What are the new fields that I see on clicking the Karma box on the main page?
The new fields show a breakdown of your “Earned” vs “Claimed” Karma points. The Earned points are collected off-chain through Teva Quest, Twitter campaigns, etc.
We sync them hourly with our smart contract for you to CLAIM through the claim box.
Once claimed, you can see the number updated in the KP Claimed (On-chain) field and your wallet.
Q6. Can I add my Karma Points as ERC-20 token to my wallet?
Yes. Please use the following contract address: 0x2fdcaD58357Cfc4412772909C36F7c101D5a8331 to import KP as a token to your wallet. See the walkthrough video, if you haven’t added a custom token before.
Q7. I collected 500 Karma Points through Teva Quest before October regenesis, which I can see in the KP Unclaimed. Can I EARN 500 more Karma Points through Teva Quest?
YES. You can still EARN a maximum of 1000 Karma Points through Testnet Teva Quest. So, in this case, 500 more. As you earn them, they will keep getting updated in the unclaimed KP section every hour for you to CLAIM.
Clarification: There is “no cap” on how many Karma points you can collect in Teva Quest game and claim them as on-chain tokens. But, the total Karma you will get as rewards from Teva Quest testnet is capped at 1000 KP.
The “no cap” keeps our Karma based on-chain leaderboard dynamic, otherwise all top 10 Tevans will have 1000 KP.
Detailed Walkthrough
Step 1: Reset your Metamask Wallet. Always a good practice to do this for accounts that have interacted with the zkSync testnet before regenesis.
Settings -> Advanced -> Reset Account
Step 2: Fund your zkSync testnet wallet with ETH. Use faucet for direct zkSync testnet funding. You can also use the portal bridge to transfer Goerli ETH from L1 to L2 testnet.
Step 3: Claim your Citizen ID and Karma points. As part of this first step, you can also verify your “Unclaimed” Karma points against “Earned” Karma Points.
Step 4: You now have your Citizen ID and On-chain Karma token. Import KP token to your Metamask using contract address: 0x2fdcaD58357Cfc4412772909C36F7c101D5a8331
Step 5: Play Teva Quest game to earn additional Karma points. This won’t apply to you if you already have 1000 karma points from Teva Quest.
Step 6: Wait for hourly sync to see your Karma points in the Claim box. Once synced, the claim button with get activated, and you will see your “unclaimed” Karma.
Step 7: Claim your karma again. Repeat this process to increase your on-chain karma token balance.
You are all set!
As always, thank you for your continued support and patience. Let us know in discord if you have any other questions about the new pilot (Claim & ERC-20 karma)
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